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Term of Service Usage

  • Account

    • You may only have one account and please do not attempt to create more than one account or all of your accounts will be terminated. You should never need another account. If you have forgotten your user information all you need to simply do is a request for it to be e-mailed to you.

    • You may refer other people in your household but only ONE member/person PER computer/mobile

    • We have the right to suspend or terminate your account at any time, for any reason, and without warning or notice. If we decide to give a notice, we will notify you by e-mail. If you are caught cheating in any way, your account will be deleted without notice and your e-mail will be kept to be posted on a future "wall of shame".

    • Each account needs to be maintained active by logging in daily. In a case where the account remains inactive for more than 60 days. We will suspend the account and a notification email will be sent.

    • In a case of inactive for more than 120 days or non-reply to notified email, your acct will be disabled and all downlines will be assigned to an active user.

  • Finance

    • All payments are made via a valid bitcoin address and PAYPAL only. You must manually request for payment to be processed and it will be issued within 10 business days. You must accumulate at least the amount for each level completion before payment will be issued.

    • You must have a valid e-mail address and a valid bitcoin address to register with our program. All e-mail addresses are verified and the system will not let you join without validating at least your e-mail address first. A verification e-mail is sent to you upon registration.

    • You can see our current pay rate upon joining.

  • Spamming

    • Sending unsolicited mail to people, asking them to join without any prior contact with you is not only against our policy, but it is also illegal. We have ZERO tolerance against spamming and if we receive just ONE SINGLE complaint against you for spamming, we first verify that the spam incident did occur and then we delete all current funds in your account. If you are reported as spamming for a second time, we will verify the second incident and then take the necessary steps for terminating your account.

  • Referral

    • You can refer an unlimited amount of people to join the program but you will only earn referral income those that you DIRECTLY refer and add to your downline

  • General

    • By joining, you agree that you shall be fully responsible for any filing of taxes that is required by your governmental authorities. Because of our worldwide, international status - we will not do this for you.

    • You are not an employee of CashAds and you are not an independent contractor for CashAds. We simply create a middle-man connection from the advertiser to the consumer. You or CashAds has the right to terminate this relationship at any time.

    • We have the right to change our terms of service at any time without prior consent or notice. Latter notices will be posted via the stats area or e-mailed to you. 

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